Source code for kaolin.visualize.vis

# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.

from typing import Union

import torch
import trimesh
import numpy as np
import kaolin
import kaolin as kal
import pptk

[docs]def show(inp: Union[kaolin.rep.Mesh, kaolin.rep.PointCloud, kaolin.rep.VoxelGrid], options: dict = {}, mode='points'): r"""Visualizer class, for the representations defined in kaolin.rep. Args: inp (kaolin.rep.Mesh or kaolin.rep.PointCloud or kaolin.rep.VoxelGrid): A kaolin.rep object to visualize options (dict): Visualization options """ if isinstance(inp, kaolin.rep.Mesh): colors = [.7, .2, .2] if 'colors' in options: colors = options['colors'] show_mesh(inp, colors) elif isinstance(inp, kaolin.rep.PointCloud): colors = [.7, .2, .2] if 'colors' in options: colors = options['colors'] show_pointcloud(inp, colors) elif isinstance(inp, kaolin.rep.VoxelGrid): thresh = 0.5 mode = 'exact' colors = [.7, .2, .2] if 'thres' in options: thresh = options['thresh'] if mode in options: mode = options['mode'] if 'colors' in options: colors = options['colors'] show_voxelgrid(inp, thresh, mode, colors) elif mode == 'voxels': thresh = 0.5 mode = 'exact' colors = [.7, .2, .2] if 'thres' in options: thresh = options['thresh'] if mode in options: mode = options['mode'] if 'colors' in options: colors = options['colors'] show_voxelgrid(inp, thresh, mode, colors) elif mode == 'points': colors = [.7, .2, .2] if 'colors' in options: colors = options['colors'] show_pointcloud(inp, colors)
[docs]def show_mesh(input_mesh: kaolin.rep.Mesh, colors: list = [.7, .2, .2]): r""" Visualizer for meshes Args: verts (torch.Tensor): vertices of mesh to be visualized faces (torch.Tensor): faces of mesh to be visualized colors (list): rbg colour values for rendered mesh """ mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(, mesh.visual.vertex_colors = colors
[docs]def show_sdf(sdf: kaolin.rep.SDF, mode='mesh', bbox_center: float = 0., bbox_dim: float = 1., num_points: int = 100000, colors=[.7, .2, .2]): r""" Visualizer for voxel array Args: sdf (kaolin.rep.SDF): sdf class object. mode (str): visualization mode, can render as a mesh, a pointcloud, or a colourful sdf pointcloud. colors (list): RGB colour values for rendered array. """ assert mode in ['mesh', 'pointcloud', 'sdf'] if mode == 'mesh': verts, faces = kal.conversion.SDF.to_mesh(sdf, bbox_center, bbox_dim) mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(, mesh.visual.vertex_colors = colors elif mode == 'pointcloud': points = torch.rand(num_points, 3) points = bbox_dim * (points + (bbox_center - .5)) distances = sdf(points) points = points[distances <= 0] kal.visualize.show_point(points) elif mode == 'sdf': points = torch.rand(num_points, 3) points = bbox_dim * (points + (bbox_center - .5)) distances = sdf(points) v = pptk.viewer( v.attributes( input() v.close()
[docs]def show_pointcloud(points, colors=[.7, .2, .2]): r"""Visualizer for point clouds. Args: points (torch.Tensor): point cloud to be visualized colors (list): rbg colour values for rendered array """ point_colours = np.zeros(points.shape) point_colours[:] = colors v = pptk.viewer( v.attributes(point_colours) input() v.close()
[docs]def show_voxelgrid(voxel, thresh=.5, mode='exact', colors=[.7, .2, .2]): r""" Visualizer for voxel array Args: voxel (torch.Tensor): voxel array to be visualized threshold (float): threshold for turning on voxel mode (str): mode for visualizing, either the exact model, or converted to mesh using marching cubes colors (list): rbg colour values for rendered array """ assert (mode in ['exact', 'marching_cubes']) voxel = kal.conversions.voxelgridconversions.confirm_def(voxel) voxel = kal.conversions.voxelgridconversions.threshold(voxel, thresh=thresh) verts, faces = kal.conversions.voxelgrid_to_trianglemesh( voxel.cpu(), thresh=.5, mode=mode) mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=verts, faces=faces) mesh.visual.vertex_colors = colors