
class Compose(transforms: Iterable)[source]

Composes (chains) multiple transforms sequentially. Identical to torchvision.transforms.Compose.


tforms (list) – List of transforms to compose.

TODO: Example.

class CacheCompose(transforms: Iterable, cache_dir: str = 'cache')[source]

Caches the results of the provided compose pipeline to disk. If the pipeline is already cached, data is returned from disk, otherwise, data is converted following the provided transforms.


transforms (Iterable): List of transforms to compose. cache_dir (str): Directory where objects will be cached. Default

to ‘cache’.

class NumpyToTensor[source]

Converts a np.ndarray object to a torch.Tensor object.

class ScalePointCloud(scf: Union[int, float, torch.Tensor], inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Scale a pointcloud with a fixed scaling factor. Given a scale factor scf, this transform will scale each point in the pointcloud, i.e., cloud = scf * cloud

  • scf (int or float or torch.Tensor) – Scale factor by which input clouds are to be scaled (Note: if passing in a torch.Tensor type, only one-element tensors are allowed).

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Whether or not the transformation should be in-place (default: True).

TODO: Example.

class RotatePointCloud(rotmat: torch.Tensor, inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Rotate a pointcloud with a given rotation matrix. Given a \(3 \times 3\) rotation matrix, this transform will rotate each point in the cloud by the rotation matrix specified.

  • rotmat (torch.Tensor) – Rotation matrix that specifies the rotation to be applied to the pointcloud (shape: \(3 \times 3\)).

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make this operation in-place.

TODO: Example.

class RealignPointCloud(tgt: Union[torch.Tensor, kaolin.rep.PointCloud.PointCloud], inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Re-align a src pointcloud such that it fits in an axis-aligned bounding box whose size matches the tgt pointcloud.

  • tgt (torch.Tensor or PointCloud) – Target pointcloud, to whose dimensions the source pointcloud must be aligned.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make this operation in-place.

TODO: Example.

class NormalizePointCloud(inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Normalize a pointcloud such that it is centered at the orgin and has unit standard deviation.


inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make this operation in-place.

TODO: Example.

class DownsampleVoxelGrid(scale: List[int], inplace=True)[source]

Downsamples a voxelgrid, given a (down)scaling factor for each dimension.


The voxel output is not thresholded.

  • scale (list) – List of tensors to scale each dimension down by (length: 3).

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make the operation in-place.

TODO: Example.

class UpsampleVoxelGrid(dim: int)[source]

Upsamples a voxelgrid, given a target dimensionality (this target dimensionality is homogeneously applied to all three axes).


The output voxels are not thresholded to contain values in the range [0, 1].


dim (int) – New dimensionality (number of voxels along each dimension in the resulting voxel grid).

TODO: Example.

class ThresholdVoxelGrid(thresh: float, inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Binarizes the voxel array using a specified threshold.

  • thresh (float) – Threshold with which to binarize.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make the operation in-place.

class FillVoxelGrid(thresh: float)[source]

Fills the internal structures in a voxel grid. Used to fill holds and ‘solidify’ objects.


thresh (float) – Threshold to use for binarization of the grid.

class ExtractSurfaceVoxels(thresh: float)[source]

Removes any inernal structure(s) from a voxel array.


thresh (float) – threshold with which to binarize

class ExtractOdmsFromVoxelGrid[source]

Extracts a set of orthographic depth maps from a voxel grid.

class ExtractProjectOdmsFromVoxelGrid[source]

Extracts a set of orthographic depth maps (odms) from a voxel grid and then projects the odms onto a voxel grid.

class SampleTriangleMesh(num_samples: int, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-10)[source]

Sample points uniformly over the surface of a triangle mesh.

  • num_samples (int) – Number of points to sample from the mesh.

  • eps (float, optional) – A small number to prevent division by zero for small surface areas.

class NormalizeMesh(inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Normalize a mesh such that it is centered at the orgin and has unit standard deviation.


inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make this operation in-place.

TODO: Example.

class ScaleMesh(scf: Union[float, int, Iterable], inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Scale a mesh given a specified scaling factor. A scalar scaling factor can be provided, in which case it is applied isotropically to all dims. Optionally, a list/tuple of anisotropic scale factors can be provided per dimension.

  • scf (float or iterable) – Scaling factor per dimension. If only a single scaling factor is provided (or a list of size 1 is provided), it is isotropically applied to all dimensions. Else, a list/tuple of 3 scaling factors is expected, which are applied to the X, Y, and Z directions respectively.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make this operation in-place.

class TranslateMesh(trans: Iterable, inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Translate a mesh given a (3D) translation vector.

  • trans (torch.Tensor or iterable) – Translation vector (shape: torch.Tensor or iterable must have exactly 3 elements).

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make this operation in-place.

class RotateMesh(rotmat: torch.Tensor, inplace: Optional[bool] = True)[source]

Rotate a mesh given a 3 x 3 rotation matrix.

  • rotmat (torch.Tensor) – Rotation matrix (shape: \(3 \times 3\)).

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make this operation in-place.

class TriangleMeshToPointCloud(num_samples: int, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-10)[source]

Converts a triange mesh to a pointcloud with a specified number of points. Uniformly samples points over the surface of the mesh.

  • num_samples (int) – Number of points to sample from the mesh.

  • eps (float, optional) – A small number to prevent division by zero for small surface areas.

class TriangleMeshToVoxelGrid(resolution: int, normalize: bool = True, vertex_offset: float = 0.0)[source]

Converts a triangle mesh to a voxel grid with a specified reolution. The resolution of the voxel grid is assumed to be homogeneous along all three dimensions (X, Y, Z axes).

  • resolution (int) – Desired resolution of generated voxel grid.

  • normalize (bool) – Determines whether to normalize vertices to a unit cube centered at the origin.

  • vertex_offset (float) – Offset applied to all vertices after normalizing.

class TriangleMeshToSDF(num_samples: int = 10000, noise: float = 0.05)[source]

Converts a triangle mesh to a non-parameteric (point-based) signed distance function (SDF).

  • num_samples (int) – Number of points to sample on the surface of the triangle mesh.

  • noise (float) – Fraction of distance from the surface from which the SDF is sampled (Eg. a value of 0.05 samples points that are at a 5% fraction outside/inside the surface).

class MeshLaplacianSmoothing(iterations: int)[source]

Applies laplacian smoothing to the mesh.


iterations (int) – number of iterations to run the algorithm for.

class RealignMesh(target: Union[torch.Tensor, kaolin.rep.PointCloud.PointCloud])[source]

Aligns the vertices to be in the same (axis-aligned) bounding box as that of target vertices or point cloud.

  • target (torch.Tensor or PointCloud) – Target pointcloud to which src`is to be transformed (The `src cloud is transformed to the axis-aligned bounding box that the target cloud maps to). This cloud must have the same number of dimensions \(D\) as in the source cloud. (shape: \(\cdots \times \cdots \times D\)).

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Bool to make the transform in-place.


Pointcloud src realigned to fit in the (axis-aligned)

bounding box of the tgt cloud.

Return type


class SDFToTriangleMesh(bbox_center: float, bbox_dim: float, resolution: int, upsampling_steps: int)[source]

Converts an SDF function to a mesh

  • bbox_center (float) – Center of the surface’s bounding box.

  • bbox_dim (float) – Largest dimension of the surface’s bounding box.

  • resolution (int) – The initial resolution of the voxel, should be large enough to properly define the surface.

  • upsampling_steps (int) – Number of times the initial resolution will be doubled. The returned resolution will be resolution * (2 ^ upsampling_steps).

class SDFToPointCloud(bbox_center: float, bbox_dim: float, resolution: int, upsampling_steps: int, num_points: int)[source]

Converts an SDF fucntion to a point cloud

  • bbox_center (float) – Center of the surface’s bounding box.

  • bbox_dim (float) – Largest dimension of the surface’s bounding box.

  • resolution (int) – The initial resolution of the voxel, should be large enough to properly define the surface.

  • upsampling_steps (int) – Number of times the initial resolution will be doubled. The returned resolution will be resolution * (2 ^ upsampling_steps).

  • num_points (int) – Number of points in computed point cloud.

class SDFToVoxelGrid(bbox_center: float, bbox_dim: float, resolution: int, upsampling_steps: int, num_points: int)[source]

Converts an SDF function to a to a voxel grid

  • bbox_center (float) – Center of the surface’s bounding box.

  • bbox_dim (float) – Largest dimension of the surface’s bounding box.

  • resolution (int) – The initial resolution of the voxel, should be large enough to properly define the surface.

  • upsampling_steps (int) – Number of times the initial resolution will be doubled. The returned resolution will be resolution * (2 ^ upsampling_steps).

class VoxelGridToTriangleMesh(threshold, mode, normalize)[source]

Converts passed voxel to a mesh

  • thresh (float) – threshold from which to make voxel binary

  • mode (str) – -‘exact’: exect mesh conversion -‘marching_cubes’: marching cubes is applied to passed voxel

  • normalize (bool) – whether to scale the array to (-.5,.5)

class VoxelGridToQuadMesh(threshold: float, normalize: bool)[source]

Converts passed voxel to quad mesh

  • threshold (float) – Threshold from which to make voxel binary.

  • normalize (bool) – Whether to scale the array to (-.5,.5).

class VoxelGridToPointCloud(num_points: int, threshold: float, mode: str, normalize: bool)[source]

Converts passed voxel to a pointcloud

  • num_points (int) – Number of points in converted point cloud.

  • thresh (float) – Threshold from which to make voxel binary.

  • mode (str) – -‘full’: Sample the whole voxel model. -‘surface’: Sample only the surface voxels.

  • normalize (bool) – Whether to scale the array to (-.5,.5).

class VoxelGridToSDF(threshold: float, normalize: bool)[source]

Converts passed voxel to a signed distance fucntion.

  • voxel (torch.Tensor) – Voxel grid

  • thresh (float) – threshold from which to make voxel binary

  • normalize (bool) – whether to scale the array to (0,1)


a signed distance fucntion