Source code for kaolin.rep.TriangleMesh

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from abc import abstractmethod

import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F

from kaolin.helpers import _composedecorator
from kaolin.rep.Mesh import Mesh

[docs]class TriangleMesh(Mesh): """ Abstract class to represent 3D Trianlge meshes. """ def __init__(self, vertices: torch.Tensor, faces: torch.Tensor, uvs: torch.Tensor, face_textures: torch.Tensor, textures: torch.Tensor, edges: torch.Tensor, edge2key: dict, vv: torch.Tensor, vv_count: torch.Tensor, vf: torch.Tensor, vf_count: torch.Tensor, ve: torch.Tensor, ve_count: torch.Tensor, ff: torch.Tensor, ff_count: torch.Tensor, ef: torch.Tensor, ef_count: torch.Tensor, ee: torch.Tensor, ee_count: torch.Tensor): # Vertices of the mesh self.vertices = vertices # Faces of the mesh self.faces = faces # uv coordinates of each vertex self.uvs = uvs # uv indecies for each face self.face_textures = face_textures # texture for each face self.textures = textures # Edges of the mesh self.edges = edges # Dictionary that maps an edge (tuple) to an edge idx self.edge2key = edge2key # Vertex-Vertex neighborhood tensor (for each vertex, contains # indices of the vertices neighboring it) self.vv = vv # Number of vertices neighbouring each vertex self.vv_count = vv_count # Vertex-Face neighborhood tensor self.vf = vf # Number of faces neighbouring each vertex self.vf_count = vf_count # Vertex-Edge neighborhood tensor = ve # Number of edges neighboring each vertex self.ve_count = ve_count # Face-Face neighborhood tensor self.ff = ff # Number of faces neighbouring each face self.ff_count = ff_count # Edge-Face neighbourhood tensor self.ef = ef # Number of edges neighbouring each face self.ef_count = ef_count # Edge-Edge neighbourhood tensor = ee # Number of edges neighbouring each edge self.ee_count = ee_count # adjacency matrix for verts self.adj = None # Initialize device on which tensors reside. self.device = self.vertices.device @staticmethod def normalize_zerosafe(matrix): """Normalizes each row of a matrix in a 'division by zero'-safe way. Args: matrix (torch.tensor): Matrix where each row contains a vector to be normalized """ assert matrix.dim() == 2, 'Need matrix to contain exactly 2 dimensions' magnitude = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.pow(matrix, 2), dim=1)) valid_inds = magnitude > 0 matrix[valid_inds] = torch.div(matrix[valid_inds], magnitude[ valid_inds].unsqueeze(1)) return matrix
[docs] def compute_vertex_normals(self): """Compute vertex normals for each mesh vertex. """ # Let each face ordering be denoted a, b, c, d. For consistent order, # we vectorize operations, so that a (for example) denotes the first # vertex of each face in the mesh. a = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.faces[:, 0].flatten()) b = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.faces[:, 1].flatten()) c = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.faces[:, 2].flatten()) # Compute vertex normals. # Eg. Normals for vertices 'a' are given by (b-a) x (c - a) vn_a = TriangleMesh.normalize_zerosafe( torch.cross(b - a, c - a, dim=1)) vn_b = TriangleMesh.normalize_zerosafe( torch.cross(c - b, a - b, dim=1)) vn_c = TriangleMesh.normalize_zerosafe( torch.cross(a - c, b - c, dim=1)) # Using the above, we have duplicate vertex normals (since a vertex is # usually a part of more than one face). We only select the first face # each vertex is a 'neighbor' to, to avoid confusion. face_inds = self.vf[:, 0] # Now that we know which face each vertex belongs to, we need to find # the index of the vertex in that selected face. (i.e., is the # selected vertex the 'a', the 'b', the 'c', or the 'd' vertex of the # face?). vertex_inds = torch.arange(self.vertices.shape[0]).unsqueeze( 1).to(self.vertices.device) # Mask that specifies which index of each face to look at, for the # vertex we wish to find. mask_abc = self.faces[face_inds] == vertex_inds.repeat(1, 3) mask_abc = mask_abc.cuda() # Array to hold vertex normals vn = torch.zeros_like(self.vertices) inds = torch.nonzero(mask_abc[:, 0]) inds =, torch.zeros_like(inds)), dim=1) vn[inds] = vn_a[face_inds[inds]] inds = torch.nonzero(mask_abc[:, 1]) inds =, 1 * torch.ones_like(inds)), dim=1) vn[inds] = vn_b[face_inds[inds]] inds = torch.nonzero(mask_abc[:, 2]) inds =, 2 * torch.ones_like(inds)), dim=1) vn[inds] = vn_c[face_inds[inds]] return vn
[docs] def compute_face_normals(self): r"""Compute normals for each face in the mesh. """ # Let each face be denoted (a, b, c). We vectorize operations, so, # we take `a` to mean the "first vertex of every face", and so on. a = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.faces[:, 0].flatten()) b = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.faces[:, 1].flatten()) c = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.faces[:, 2].flatten()) # Compute vertex normals (for each face). Note the the same vertex # can have different normals for each face. # Eg. Normals for vertices 'a' are given by (b-a) x (c - a) vn_a = TriangleMesh.normalize_zerosafe( torch.cross(b - a, c - a, dim=1)) vn_b = TriangleMesh.normalize_zerosafe( torch.cross(c - b, a - b, dim=1)) vn_c = TriangleMesh.normalize_zerosafe( torch.cross(a - c, b - c, dim=1)) # Add and normalize the normals (for a more robust estimate) face_normals = vn_a + vn_b + vn_c face_normals_norm = face_normals.norm(dim=1) face_normals = face_normals / torch.where(face_normals_norm > 0, face_normals_norm, torch.ones_like(face_normals_norm)).view(-1, 1) return face_normals
def compute_edge_lengths(self): """Compute edge lengths for each edge of the mesh. """ self.edges = # Let each edge be denoted (a, b). We perform a vectorized select # and then compute the magnitude of the vector b - a. a = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.edges[:, 0].flatten()) b = torch.index_select(self.vertices, dim=0, index=self.edges[:, 1].flatten()) return (b - a).norm(dim=1) def compute_face_areas(self): raise NotImplementedError def compute_interior_angles_per_edge(self): raise NotImplementedError def compute_dihedral_angles_per_edge(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save_mesh(self, filename: str): r""" Save a mesh to a wavefront .obj file format Args: filename (str) : target filename """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: # write vertices for vert in self.vertices: f.write('v %f %f %f\n' % tuple(vert)) # write faces for face in self.faces: f.write('f %d %d %d\n' % tuple(face + 1))
[docs] def sample(self, num_samples: int, eps: float = 1e-10): r""" Uniformly samples the surface of a mesh. Args: num_samples (int): number of points to sample eps (float): a small number to prevent division by zero for small surface areas. Returns: (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) uniformly sampled points and the face idexes which each point corresponds to. Example: >>> points, chosen_faces = mesh.sample(10) >>> points tensor([[ 0.0293, 0.2179, 0.2168], [ 0.2003, -0.3367, 0.2187], [ 0.2152, -0.0943, 0.1907], [-0.1852, 0.1686, -0.0522], [-0.2167, 0.3171, 0.0737], [ 0.2219, -0.0289, 0.1531], [ 0.2217, -0.0115, 0.1247], [-0.1400, 0.0364, -0.1618], [ 0.0658, -0.0310, -0.2198], [ 0.1926, -0.1867, -0.2153]]) >>> chosen_faces tensor([ 953, 38, 6, 3480, 563, 393, 395, 3309, 373, 271]) """ if self.vertices.is_cuda: dist_uni = torch.distributions.Uniform( torch.tensor([0.0]).cuda(), torch.tensor([1.0]).cuda()) else: dist_uni = torch.distributions.Uniform( torch.tensor([0.0]), torch.tensor([1.0])) # calculate area of each face x1, x2, x3 = torch.split(torch.index_select( self.vertices, 0, self.faces[:, 0]) - torch.index_select( self.vertices, 0, self.faces[:, 1]), 1, dim=1) y1, y2, y3 = torch.split(torch.index_select( self.vertices, 0, self.faces[:, 1]) - torch.index_select( self.vertices, 0, self.faces[:, 2]), 1, dim=1) a = (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2)**2 b = (x3 * y1 - x1 * y3)**2 c = (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1)**2 Areas = torch.sqrt(a + b + c) / 2 # percentage of each face w.r.t. full surface area Areas = Areas / (torch.sum(Areas) + eps) # define descrete distribution w.r.t. face area ratios caluclated cat_dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(Areas.view(-1)) face_choices = cat_dist.sample([num_samples]) # from each face sample a point select_faces = self.faces[face_choices] v0 = torch.index_select(self.vertices, 0, select_faces[:, 0]) v1 = torch.index_select(self.vertices, 0, select_faces[:, 1]) v2 = torch.index_select(self.vertices, 0, select_faces[:, 2]) u = torch.sqrt(dist_uni.sample([num_samples])) v = dist_uni.sample([num_samples]) points = (1 - u) * v0 + (u * (1 - v)) * v1 + u * v * v2 return points, face_choices
[docs] def compute_adjacency_matrix_full(self): r"""Calcualtes a binary adjacency matrix for a mesh. Returns: (torch.Tensor) : binary adjacency matrix Example: >>> mesh = TriangleMesh.from_obj('model.obj') >>> adj_info = mesh.compute_adjacency_matrix_full() >>> neighborhood_sum = adj_info, mesh.vertices) """ adj = torch.zeros((self.vertices.shape[0], self.vertices.shape[0])).to( self.vertices.device) v1 = self.faces[:, 0] v2 = self.faces[:, 1] v3 = self.faces[:, 2] adj[(v1, v1)] = 1 adj[(v2, v2)] = 1 adj[(v3, v3)] = 1 adj[(v1, v2)] = 1 adj[(v2, v1)] = 1 adj[(v1, v3)] = 1 adj[(v3, v1)] = 1 adj[(v2, v3)] = 1 adj[(v2, v3)] = 1 return adj
[docs] def load_tensors(filename: (str), enable_adjacency: bool = False): r"""Loads the tensor information of the mesh from a saved numpy array. Args: filename: Path of the file to load the file from. Example: >>> mesh = TriangleMesh.load_tensors('mesh.npy') """ data = np.load(filename) vertices = torch.FloatTensor(data['vertices']) faces = torch.LongTensor(data['faces'].astype(int)) return TriangleMesh.from_tensors(vertices, faces)
[docs] def compute_adjacency_matrix_sparse(self): r""" Calcualtes a sparse adjacency matrix for a mess Returns: (torch.sparse.Tensor) : sparse adjacency matrix Example: >>> mesh = Mesh.from_obj('model.obj') >>> adj_info = mesh.compute_adjacency_matrix_sparse() >>> neighborhood_sum =, mesh.vertices) """ if self.adj is None: v1 = self.faces[:, 0].view(-1, 1) v2 = self.faces[:, 1].view(-1, 1) v3 = self.faces[:, 2].view(-1, 1) vert_len = self.vertices.shape[0] identity_indices = torch.arange(vert_len).view(-1, 1).to(v1.device) identity = (identity_indices, identity_indices), dim=1).to(v1.device) identity =, identity)) i_1 =, v2), dim=1) i_2 =, v3), dim=1) i_3 =, v1), dim=1) i_4 =, v3), dim=1) i_5 =, v2), dim=1) i_6 =, v1), dim=1) indices = (identity, i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6), dim=0).t() values = torch.ones(indices.shape[1]).to(indices.device) * .5 self.adj = torch.sparse.FloatTensor( indices, values, torch.Size([vert_len, vert_len])) return self.adj.clone()