Source code for kaolin.rep.PointCloud

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from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import torch

from kaolin import helpers

[docs]class PointCloud(object): r"""Base class to hold pointcloud objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, points: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, normals: torch.Tensor = None, device: Optional[str] = 'cpu', copy: Optional[bool] = False): r"""Initialize a PointCloud object, given a tensor of points, and optionally, a tensor representing poincloud normals. Args: pts (torch.Tensor): Points that make up the pointcloud (shape: :math:`... \times N \times D`), where :math:`N` denotes the number of points in the cloud, and :math:`D` denotes the dimensionality of each point. normals (torch.Tensor): Normals for each point in the cloud (shape: :math:`N \times D`, where `D` = 2 or `D` = 3). That is, normals can only be provided for 2D or 3D pointclouds. device (str, Optional): Device to store the pointcloud object on (default: 'cpu'). Must be a valid `torch.device` type. copy (bool, Optional): Whether or not to create a deep copy of the Tensor(s) used to initialze class members. """ if points is None: self.points = None else: helpers._assert_tensor(points) helpers._assert_dim_ge(points, 2) self.points = points.clone() if copy else points self.points = if normals is None: self.normals = None else: helpers._assert_tensor(normals) if points.dim() == 2: helpers._assert_shape_eq(normals, (points.shape[-2], 3)) self.normals = normals.clone() if copy else normals self.normals =
[docs]def bounding_points(points: torch.Tensor, bbox: list, padding: float = .05): r"""Returns the indices of a set of points which lies within a supplied bounding box. Args: point (torch.Tensor) : Input pointcloud bbox (list) : bouding box values (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z) padding (float) : padding to add to bounding box Returns: (list): list of indices which lie within supplied bounding box Example: >>> points = torch.rand(1000) >>> subset_idx = bounding_points(points, [.1, .9, .1, .9, .1, .9]) >>> subset = points[subset_idx] """ x_vals = points[:, 0] >= (bbox[0] - padding) x_vals = x_vals & (points[:, 0] <= (bbox[1] + padding)) y_vals = points[:, 1] >= (bbox[2] - padding) y_vals = y_vals & (points[:, 1] <= (bbox[3] + padding)) z_vals = points[:, 2] >= (bbox[4] - padding) z_vals = z_vals & (points[:, 2] <= (bbox[5] + padding)) sample_box = x_vals & (y_vals & z_vals) return sample_box
[docs]def random_input_dropout(points: torch.Tensor, max_dropout_rate: float = 0.95): """Returns a copy of the given cloud with points randomly removed according to max_dropout_rate. For each batch, first select a dropout_rate from the uniform distribution [0, max_dropout_rate], then remove (i.e. set to an existing point) with a probability equal to the dropout rate. Based on the technique described in PointNet++. Args: points (torch.Tensor or np.ndarray): Input pointcloud shape = (batch_size, num_points, num_dim) or (num_points, num_dim) max_dropout_rate (float): See method description above. """ if isinstance(points, np.ndarray): points = torch.from_numpy(points) if not torch.is_tensor(points): raise TypeError('Expected type torch.Tensor. Got {} instead.'.format( type(points))) assert points.dim() == 2 or points.dim( ) == 3, 'Point cloud must contain exactly 2 or 3 dimensions.' batched = False if points.dim() == 3: batched = True else: points = points.unsqueeze(0) batch_size = points.shape[0] dropout_rates = torch.FloatTensor( batch_size, 1).uniform_(0, max_dropout_rate) r = torch.rand(*points.shape[:2]) points = points.clone() points[r < dropout_rates, :] = points[0, 0, :] if not batched: points = points.squeeze(0) return points