Source code for kaolin.models.DIBREncoder

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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]class DIBREncoder(nn.Module): r"""Encoder architecture used for single-image based mesh prediction in the Neurips 2019 paper "Learning to Predict 3D Objects with an Interpolation-based Differentiable Renderer" .. note:: If you use this code, please cite the original paper in addition to Kaolin. .. code-block:: @inproceedings{chen2019dibrender, title={Learning to Predict 3D Objects with an Interpolation-based Differentiable Renderer}, author={Wenzheng Chen and Jun Gao and Huan Ling and Edward Smith and Jaakko Lehtinen and Alec Jacobson and Sanja Fidler}, booktitle={Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2019} } """ def __init__(self, N_CHANNELS, N_KERNELS, \ BATCH_SIZE, IMG_DIM, VERTS): super(Encoder, self).__init__() block1 = self.convblock(N_CHANNELS, 32, N_KERNELS, stride=2, pad=2) block2 = self.convblock(32, 64, N_KERNELS, stride=2, pad=2) block3 = self.convblock(64, 128, N_KERNELS, stride=2, pad=2) block4 = self.convblock(128, 128, N_KERNELS, stride=2, pad=2) linear1 = self.linearblock(10368, 1024) linear2 = self.linearblock(1024, 1024) self.linear3 = nn.Linear(1024, 1024) linear4 = self.linearblock(1024, 1024) linear5 = self.linearblock(1024, 2048) self.linear6 = nn.Linear(2048, VERTS*6) ################################################# all_blocks = block1 + block2 + block3 + block4 self.encoder1 = nn.Sequential(*all_blocks) all_blocks = linear1 + linear2 self.encoder2 = nn.Sequential(*all_blocks) all_blocks = linear4 + linear5 self.decoder = nn.Sequential(*all_blocks) # Initialize with Xavier Glorot for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d) \ or isinstance(m, nn.Linear) \ or isinstance(object, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) nn.init.normal_(m.weight, mean=0, std=0.001) # Free some memory del all_blocks, block1, block2, block3, \ linear1, linear2, linear4, linear5, \ def convblock(self, indim, outdim, ker, stride, pad): block2 = [ nn.Conv2d(indim, outdim, ker, stride, pad), nn.BatchNorm2d(outdim), nn.ReLU() ] return block2 def linearblock(self, indim, outdim): block2 = [ nn.Linear(indim, outdim), nn.BatchNorm1d(outdim), nn.ReLU() ] return block2
[docs] def forward(self, x): for layer in self.encoder1: x = layer(x) bnum = x.shape[0] x = x.view(bnum, -1) for layer in self.encoder2: x = layer(x) x = self.linear3(x) for layer in self.decoder: x = layer(x) x = self.linear6(x).view(x.shape[0], -1,6) verts = x[:,:,:3] colors = x[:,:,3:] return verts, colors