Source code for kaolin.metrics.point

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import torch
from kaolin.nnsearch import nnsearch
import kaolin.cuda.sided_distance as sd
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as Tree
import numpy as np

class SidedDistanceFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, S1, S2):

        batchsize, n, _ = S1.size()
        S1 = S1.contiguous()
        S2 = S2.contiguous()
        dist1 = torch.zeros(batchsize, n)
        idx1 = torch.zeros(batchsize, n,
        dist1 = dist1.cuda()
        idx1 = idx1.cuda()
            sd.forward(S1, S2, dist1, idx1)
        except BaseException:
            sd.forward_cuda(S1, S2, dist1, idx1)

        return idx1.long()

class SidedDistance(torch.nn.Module):
    r"""For every point in set1 find the indecies of the closest point in set2

            set1 (torch.cuda.Tensor) : set of pointclouds of shape B x N x 3
            set2 (torch.cuda.Tensor) : set of pointclouds of shape B x M x 3

            torch.cuda.Tensor: indecies of the closest points in set2

            >>> A = torch.rand(2,300,3)
            >>> B = torch.rand(2,200,3)
            >>> sided_minimum_dist = SidedDistance()
            >>> indices = sided_minimum_dist(A,B)
            >>> indices.shape
            torch.Size([2, 300])


    def forward(self, S1: torch.Tensor, S2: torch.Tensor):
        assert len(S1.shape) == 3
        assert len(S2.shape) == 3
        return SidedDistanceFunction.apply(S1, S2).detach()

[docs]def chamfer_distance(S1: torch.Tensor, S2: torch.Tensor, w1: float = 1., w2: float = 1.): r"""Computes the chamfer distance between two point clouds Args: S1 (torch.Tensor): point cloud S2 (torch.Tensor): point cloud w1: (float): weighting of forward direction w2: (float): weighting of backward direction Returns: torch.Tensor: chamfer distance between two point clouds S1 and S2 Example: >>> A = torch.rand(300,3) >>> B = torch.rand(200,3) >>> >>> chamfer_distance(A,B) tensor(0.1868) """ assert (S1.dim() == S2.dim()), 'S1 and S2 must have the same dimesionality' assert (S1.dim() == 2), 'the dimensions of the input must be 2 ' dist_to_S2 = directed_distance(S1, S2) dist_to_S1 = directed_distance(S2, S1) distance = w1 * dist_to_S2 + w2 * dist_to_S1 return distance
[docs]def directed_distance(S1: torch.Tensor, S2: torch.Tensor, mean: bool = True): r"""Computes the average distance from point cloud S1 to point cloud S2 Args: S1 (torch.Tensor): point cloud S2 (torch.Tensor): point cloud mean (bool): if the distances should be reduced to the average Returns: torch.Tensor: ditance from point cloud S1 to point cloud S2 Args: Example: >>> A = torch.rand(300,3) >>> B = torch.rand(200,3) >>> >>> directed_distance(A,B) tensor(0.1868) """ if S1.is_cuda and S2.is_cuda: sided_minimum_dist = SidedDistance() closest_index_in_S2 = sided_minimum_dist( S1.unsqueeze(0), S2.unsqueeze(0))[0] closest_S2 = torch.index_select(S2, 0, closest_index_in_S2) else: from time import time closest_index_in_S2 = nnsearch(S1, S2) closest_S2 = S2[closest_index_in_S2] dist_to_S2 = (((S1 - closest_S2)**2).sum(dim=-1)) if mean: dist_to_S2 = dist_to_S2.mean() return dist_to_S2
[docs]def iou(points1: torch.Tensor, points2: torch.Tensor, thresh=.5): r""" Computes the intersection over union values for two sets of points Args: points1 (torch.Tensor): first points points2 (torch.Tensor): second points Returns: iou (torch.Tensor) : IoU scores for the two sets of points Examples: >>> points1 = torch.rand( 1000) >>> points2 = torch.rand( 1000) >>> loss = iou(points1, points2) tensor(0.3400) """ points1[points1 <= thresh] = 0 points1[points1 > thresh] = 1 points2[points2 <= thresh] = 0 points2[points2 > thresh] = 1 points1 = points1.view(-1).byte() points2 = points2.view(-1).byte() assert points1.shape == points2.shape, 'points1 and points2 must have the same shape' iou = torch.sum(torch.mul(points1, points2).float()) / \ torch.sum((points1 + points2).clamp(min=0, max=1).float()) return iou
[docs]def f_score(gt_points: torch.Tensor, pred_points: torch.Tensor, radius: float = 0.01, extend=False): r""" Computes the f-score of two sets of points, with a hit defined by two point existing withing a defined radius of each other Args: gt_points (torch.Tensor): ground truth points pred_points (torch.Tensor): predicted points points radius (float): radisu from a point to define a hit extend (bool): if the alternate f-score definition should be applied Returns: (float): computed f-score Example: >>> points1 = torch.rand(1000) >>> points2 = torch.rand(1000) >>> loss = f_score(points1, points2) >>> loss tensor(0.0070) """ pred_distances = torch.sqrt(directed_distance( gt_points, pred_points, mean=False)) gt_distances = torch.sqrt(directed_distance( pred_points, gt_points, mean=False)) if extend: fp = (gt_distances > radius).float().sum() tp = (gt_distances <= radius).float().sum() precision = tp / (tp + fp) tp = (pred_distances <= radius).float().sum() fn = (pred_distances > radius).float().sum() recall = tp / (tp + fn) else: fn = torch.sum(pred_distances > radius) fp = torch.sum(gt_distances > radius).float() tp = torch.sum(gt_distances <= radius).float() precision = tp / (tp + fp) recall = tp / (tp + fn) f_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall + 1e-8) return f_score