Source code for kaolin.mathutils.geometry.transformations

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# Copyright (C) 2019-    , Open Source Vision Foundation, all rights reserved.
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import numpy as np
import torch

# Borrows from kornia

[docs]def rotx(theta, enc='rad'): r"""Returns a 3D rotation matrix about the X-axis Returns the 3 x 3 rotation matrix :math:`R` that rotates a 3D point by an angle theta about the X-axis of the canonical Cartesian axes :math:`\left[ e_1 e_2 e_3 \right]`. Note: .. math:: e_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, e_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, e_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} Generated matrix: .. math:: R = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) \\ 0 & sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix} Args: theta (Tensor or np.array): degree of rotation (assumes radians by default) enc (str, choices=['rad', 'deg']): whether the angle is specified in degrees ('deg') or radians ('rad'). Default: 'rad'. Returns: Tensor: one 3 x 3 rotation matrix, for each input entry in theta Shape: - Input: :math:`(B)` (or) :math:`(B, 1)` (:math:`B` is the batchsize) - Output: :math:`(B, 3, 3)` Examples: >>> # Create a random batch of angles of rotation >>> theta = torch.randn(10, 1) >>> # Get a 10 x 3 x 3 rotation matrix, one 3 x 3 matrix for each element >>> rx = kaolin.mathutils.rotx(theta) >>> # Alternatively, use rotations specified in degrees >>> theta = 180 * torch.randn(10, 1) >>> rx = kaolin.mathutils.rotx(theta, enc='deg') """ if isinstance(theta, np.ndarray) or isinstance( theta, float) or isinstance(theta, int): theta = torch.from_numpy(theta) # Used an f-string here, so can maybe support only Python 3.6+ if not torch.is_tensor(theta): raise TypeError('Expected type torch.Tensor for argument theta. \ Got {} instead'.format(type(theta))) # Check that the passed tensor is 1D (or 1D-like) if theta.dim() != 1: assert theta.dim() == 2, 'Invalid shape. Exceeds two dimensions.' if theta.dim() == 2: assert (theta.shape[0] == 1 or theta.shape[ 1] == 1), 'Must be 1D-like.' theta = theta.view(theta.numel()) # Raise a NotImplementedError if the input encoding is something other # than 'rad' if enc != 'rad': raise NotImplementedError # Compute the rotation matrix c = torch.cos(theta) s = torch.sin(theta) rx = torch.zeros(theta.numel(), 3, 3) rx[:, 0, 0] = torch.ones(theta.numel()) rx[:, 1, 1] = rx[:, 2, 2] = c rx[:, 1, 2] = -s rx[:, 2, 1] = s return rx
[docs]def roty(theta, enc='rad'): r"""Returns a 3D rotation matrix about the Y-axis Returns the 3 x 3 rotation matrix that rotates a 3D point by an angle theta about the Y-axis of the canonical Cartesian axes [e1 e2 e3]. Note: .. math:: e_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, e_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, e_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} Generated matrix: .. math:: R = \begin{bmatrix} cos(\theta) & 0 & sin(\theta) \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -sin(\theta) & 0 & cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix} Args: theta (Tensor or np.array): degree of rotation (assumes radians by default) enc (str, choices=['rad', 'deg']): whether the angle is specified in degrees ('deg') or radians ('rad'). Default: 'rad'. Returns: Tensor: one 3 x 3 rotation matrix, for each input entry in theta Shape: - Input: :math:`(B)` (or) :math:`(B, 1)` (:math:`B` is the batchsize) - Output: :math:`(B, 3, 3)` Examples: >>> # Create a random batch of angles of rotation >>> theta = torch.randn(10, 1) >>> # Get a 10 x 3 x 3 rotation matrix, one 3 x 3 matrix for each element >>> ry = kaolin.mathutils.roty(theta) >>> # Alternatively, use rotations specified in degrees >>> theta = 180 * torch.randn(10, 1) >>> ry = kaolin.mathutils.roty(theta, enc='deg') """ if isinstance(theta, np.ndarray) or isinstance( theta, float) or isinstance(theta, int): theta = torch.from_numpy(theta) # Used an f-string here, so can maybe support only Python 3.6+ if not torch.is_tensor(theta): raise TypeError('Expected type torch.Tensor for argument theta. \ Got {} instead'.format(type(theta))) # Check that the passed tensor is 1D (or 1D-like) if theta.dim() != 1: assert theta.dim() == 2, 'Invalid shape. Exceeds two dimensions.' if theta.dim() == 2: assert (theta.shape[0] == 1 or theta.shape[ 1] == 1), 'Must be 1D-like.' theta = theta.view(theta.numel()) # Raise a NotImplementedError if the input encoding is something other # than 'rad' if enc != 'rad': raise NotImplementedError # Compute the rotation matrix c = torch.cos(theta) s = torch.sin(theta) ry = torch.zeros(theta.numel(), 3, 3) ry[:, 1, 1] = torch.ones(theta.numel()) ry[:, 0, 0] = ry[:, 2, 2] = c ry[:, 2, 0] = -s ry[:, 0, 2] = s return ry
[docs]def rotz(theta, enc='rad'): r"""Returns a 3D rotation matrix about the Z-axis Returns the 3 x 3 rotation matrix that rotates a 3D point by an angle theta about the Z-axis of the canonical Cartesian axes [e1 e2 e3]. Note: .. math:: e_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, e_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, e_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} Generated matrix: .. math:: R = \begin{bmatrix} cos(\theta) & -sin(\theta) & 0 \\ sin(\theta) & cos(\theta) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} Args: theta (Tensor or np.array): degree of rotation (assumes radians by default) enc (str, choices=['rad', 'deg']): whether the angle is specified in degrees ('deg') or radians ('rad'). Default: 'rad'. Returns: Tensor: one 3 x 3 rotation matrix, for each input entry in theta Shape: - Input: :math:`(B)` (or) :math:`(B, 1)` (:math:`B` is the batchsize) - Output: :math:`(B, 3, 3)` Examples: >>> # Create a random batch of angles of rotation >>> theta = torch.randn(10, 1) >>> # Get a 10 x 3 x 3 rotation matrix, one 3 x 3 matrix for each element >>> rz = kaolin.mathutils.rotz(theta) >>> # Alternatively, use rotations specified in degrees >>> theta = 180 * torch.randn(10, 1) >>> rz = kaolin.mathutils.rotz(theta, enc='deg') """ if isinstance(theta, np.ndarray) or isinstance( theta, float) or isinstance(theta, int): theta = torch.from_numpy(theta) # Used an f-string here, so can maybe support only Python 3.6+ if not torch.is_tensor(theta): raise TypeError('Expected type torch.Tensor for argument theta. \ Got {} instead'.format(type(theta))) # Check that the passed tensor is 1D (or 1D-like) if theta.dim() != 1: assert theta.dim() == 2, 'Invalid shape. Exceeds two dimensions.' if theta.dim() == 2: assert (theta.shape[0] == 1 or theta.shape[ 1] == 1), 'Must be 1D-like.' theta = theta.view(theta.numel()) # Raise a NotImplementedError if the input encoding is something other # than 'rad' if enc != 'rad': raise NotImplementedError # Compute the rotation matrix c = torch.cos(theta) s = torch.sin(theta) rz = torch.zeros(theta.numel(), 3, 3) rz[:, 2, 2] = torch.ones(theta.numel()) rz[:, 0, 0] = rz[:, 1, 1] = c rz[:, 0, 1] = -s rz[:, 1, 0] = s return rz
# Borrows from Kornia. #
[docs]def homogenize_points(pts: torch.Tensor): r"""Converts a set of points to homogeneous coordinates. Args: pts (torch.Tensor): Tensor containing points to be homogenized. Returns: (torch.Tensor): Homogeneous coordinates for pts. Shape: pts: :math:`\cdots \times 2` or :math:`\cdots \times 3` Example: >>> pts = torch.randn(2, 5, 3) tensor([[[ 0.0897, -0.1876, 0.1637], [-0.1026, -0.4994, 0.8622], [-1.2909, 0.2678, -1.8021], [-0.2500, 0.3505, 0.9121], [ 0.0580, 1.4497, -0.7224]], [[ 0.8102, -0.2467, 0.1951], [ 0.4059, -1.9658, 0.1850], [ 1.5487, -0.8154, -0.5592], [ 0.2269, -0.4137, 0.7187], [-1.1810, -2.3412, -0.4925]]]) >>> homo_pts = homogenize_points(pts) tensor([[[ 0.0897, -0.1876, 0.1637, 1.0000], [-0.1026, -0.4994, 0.8622, 1.0000], [-1.2909, 0.2678, -1.8021, 1.0000], [-0.2500, 0.3505, 0.9121, 1.0000], [ 0.0580, 1.4497, -0.7224, 1.0000]], [[ 0.8102, -0.2467, 0.1951, 1.0000], [ 0.4059, -1.9658, 0.1850, 1.0000], [ 1.5487, -0.8154, -0.5592, 1.0000], [ 0.2269, -0.4137, 0.7187, 1.0000], [-1.1810, -2.3412, -0.4925, 1.0000]]]) >>> homo_pts.shape torch.Size([2, 5, 4]) """ if not torch.is_tensor(pts): raise TypeError('Expected input of type torch.Tensor. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(type(pts))) if pts.dim() < 2: raise ValueError('Input tensors must have at least 2 dims. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(pts.dim())) pad = torch.nn.ConstantPad1d((0, 1), 1.) return pad(pts)
# Borrows from Kornia. #
[docs]def unhomogenize_points(pts: torch.Tensor): r"""Convert a set of points from homogeneous coordinates (i.e., projective space) to Euclidean space. Usually, for each point :math:`(x, y, z, w)` for the 3D case, `unhomogenize_points` returns :math:`\left(\frac{x}{w}, \frac{y}{w}, \frac{z}{w} \right)`. For the special case where :math:`w` is zero, `unhomogenize_points` returns :math:`(x, y, z)`, following OpenCV's convention. Args: pts (torch.Tensor): Tensor containing points to be unhomogenized. Shape: pts: :math:`\cdots \times 3` or :math:`\cdots \times 4` (usually). Returns: (torch.Tensor): Unhomogenized coordinates for `pts`. Examples: >>> homo_pts = torch.randn(2, 5, 4) tensor([[[ 0.0897, -0.1876, 0.1637, 1.0000], [-0.1026, -0.4994, 0.8622, 1.0000], [-1.2909, 0.2678, -1.8021, 1.0000], [-0.2500, 0.3505, 0.9121, 1.0000], [ 0.0580, 1.4497, -0.7224, 1.0000]], [[ 0.8102, -0.2467, 0.1951, 1.0000], [ 0.4059, -1.9658, 0.1850, 1.0000], [ 1.5487, -0.8154, -0.5592, 1.0000], [ 0.2269, -0.4137, 0.7187, 1.0000], [-1.1810, -2.3412, -0.4925, 1.0000]]]) >>> unhomo_pts = kal.math.unhomogenize_points(homo_pts) tensor([[[ 0.0897, -0.1876, 0.1637], [-0.1026, -0.4994, 0.8622], [-1.2909, 0.2678, -1.8021], [-0.2500, 0.3505, 0.9121], [ 0.0580, 1.4497, -0.7224]], [[ 0.8102, -0.2467, 0.1951], [ 0.4059, -1.9658, 0.1850], [ 1.5487, -0.8154, -0.5592], [ 0.2269, -0.4137, 0.7187], [-1.1810, -2.3412, -0.4925]]]) >>> unhomo_pts = kal.math.unhomogenize_points(unhomo_pts) tensor([[[ 0.5482, -1.1463], [ -0.1190, -0.5792], [ 0.7163, -0.1486], [ -0.2741, 0.3843], [ -0.0803, -2.0066]], [[ 4.1518, -1.2645], [ 2.1938, -10.6255], [ -2.7696, 1.4582], [ 0.3157, -0.5756], [ 2.3977, 4.7533]]]) """ if not torch.is_tensor(pts): raise TypeError('Expected input of type torch.Tensor. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(type(pts))) if pts.dim() < 2: raise ValueError('Input tensors must have at least 2 dims. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(pts.dim())) # Get points with the last coordinate (scale) as 0 (points at inf). w = pts[..., -1:] # Determine the scale factor each point needs to be multiplied by. # For points at infinity, use a scale factor 1. eps = 1e-6 scale = torch.where(torch.abs(w) > eps, 1. / w, torch.ones_like(w)) return scale * pts[..., :-1]
# Borrows from Kornia. #
[docs]def transform3d(pts: torch.Tensor, tform: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Transform a set of points `pts` using a general 3D transform `tform`. Args: pts (torch.Tensor): Points to be transformed (shape: :math:`\cdots \times 4`) tform (torch.Tensor): A 3D projective transformation matrix. (shape: :math:`4 \times 4`) Returns (torch.Tensor): Transformed points. """ if not torch.is_tensor(pts): raise TypeError('Expected input pts to be of type torch.Tensor. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(type(pts))) if not torch.is_tensor(tform): raise TypeError('Expected input tform to be of type torch.Tensor. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(type(tform))) if pts.dim() < 2: raise ValueError('Input pts must have at least 2 dimensions. ' 'Got only {0}.'.format(pts.dim())) if pts.shape[-1] != 4: raise ValueError('Input pts must have shape 4 in its last dimension. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(pts.shape[-1])) if tform.dim() < 2 or tform.shape[-1] != 4 or tform.shape[-2] != 4: raise ValueError('Input tform must have at least 2 dimensions ' 'and the last two dims must be of shape 4. Got {0} dimensions and ' 'shape {1}.'.format(tform.dim(), tform.shape)) # Unsqueezing at dim -3 (to handle arbitrary batchsizes) # For a 2D tensor, unsqueeze(-3) is equivalent to unsqueeze(0) # tform is ordered as (B, 4, 4) # pts is ordered as (B, N, 3), where B: batchsize, N: num points pts_tformed_homo = torch.matmul(tform.unsqueeze(-3), pts.unsqueeze(-1)) pts_tformed = unhomogenize_points(pts_tformed_homo.squeeze(-1)) return pts_tformed[..., :3]
# Borrows from Kornia. #
[docs]def invert_rigid_transform_3d(tform: torch.Tensor): r"""Invert a 3D rigid body (SE(3)) transform. Args: tform (torch.Tensor): SE(3) transformation matrix (shape: :math:`\cdots \times 4 \times 4`) Returns: inv_tform (torch.Tensor): Inverse transformation matrix (shape: :math:`\cdots \times 4 \times 4`) """ if not torch.is_tensor(tform): raise TypeError('Expected input tform to be of type torch.Tensor. ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(type(tform))) if tform.shape[-2, :] != (4, 4): raise ValueError('Input tform must be of shape (..., 4, 4). ' 'Got {0} instead.'.format(tform.shape)) # Unpack translation and rotation components rot = tform[..., :3, :3] trans = tform[..., :3, :3] # Compute the inverse inv_rot = torch.transpose(rot, -1, -2) inv_trans = torch.matmul(-inv_rot, trans) # Pack the inverse rotation and translation components inv_trans = torch.zeros_like(tform) inv_trans[..., :3, :3] = inv_rot inv_trans[..., :3, 3] = inv_trans inv_trans[..., -1, -1] = 1. return inv_trans
# Borrows from Kornia. #
[docs]def compose_transforms_3d(tforms): r"""Compose (concatenate) a series of 3D transformation matrices. Args: tforms (tuple, list): Iterable containing the transforms to be composed (Each transform must be of type torch.Tensor) (shape: :math:`\cdots \times 4 \times 4`). Returns: cat (torch.Tensor): Concatenated transform. (shape: :math:`\cdots \times 4 \times 4`) """ if len(tforms) == 1: raise ValueError('Expected at least 2 transforms to compose. ' 'Got only 1.') cat = None for idx, tform in enumerate(tforms): if not torch.is_tensor(tform): raise TypeError('Expected elements of tforms to be of type ' 'torch.Tensor. Got {0} at index {1}'.format( type(tform), idx)) if tform.shape[-2, :] != (4, 4): raise TypeError('Expected elements of tforms to be of shape ' '(..., 4, 4). Got {0} at index {1}'.format( tform.shape, idx)) if idx == 0: cat = tform else: cat = torch.matmul(cat, tform) return cat
def compute_camera_params(azimuth: float, elevation: float, distance: float): theta = np.deg2rad(azimuth) phi = np.deg2rad(elevation) camY = distance * np.sin(phi) temp = distance * np.cos(phi) camX = temp * np.cos(theta) camZ = temp * np.sin(theta) cam_pos = np.array([camX, camY, camZ]) axisZ = cam_pos.copy() axisY = np.array([0, 1, 0]) axisX = np.cross(axisY, axisZ) axisY = np.cross(axisZ, axisX) cam_mat = np.array([axisX, axisY, axisZ]) l2 = np.atleast_1d(np.linalg.norm(cam_mat, 2, 1)) l2[l2 == 0] = 1 cam_mat = cam_mat / np.expand_dims(l2, 1) return torch.FloatTensor(cam_mat), torch.FloatTensor(cam_pos)