Source code for kaolin.mathutils.geometry.lie

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import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

__all__ = [

def SO3_hat(omega):
    r"""Takes in exponential coordinates (:math:`\omega` :math:`B x 3`) and converts to
    tangent vector representations (:math:`[\omega]_{\times}` :math:`B x 3 x 3`).

        omega (torch.Tensor): Exponential coordinates

        omega_cross (torch.Tensor): Tangent vectors

        input: :math:`(B, 3)` where :math:`B` is the batchsize.
        output: :math:`(B, 3, 3)` where :math:`B` is the batchsize.


    # Note: Since this function is usually called from another layer,
    # it is assumed that assertion checks are performed before calling.

    # Batchsize
    B = omega.shape[0]
    # Tensor type
    dtype = omega.dtype
    # Device ID
    device = omega.device

    omega_cross = torch.zeros((B, 3, 3)).type(dtype).to(device)
    omega_cross[:, 2, 1] = omega[:, 0].clone().type(dtype).to(device)
    omega_cross[:, 1, 2] = -1 * omega[:, 0].clone().type(dtype).to(device)
    omega_cross[:, 0, 2] = omega[:, 1].clone().type(dtype).to(device)
    omega_cross[:, 2, 0] = -1 * omega[:, 1].clone().type(dtype).to(device)
    omega_cross[:, 1, 0] = omega[:, 2].clone().type(dtype).to(device)
    omega_cross[:, 0, 1] = -1 * omega[:, 2].clone().type(dtype).to(device)

    return omega_cross

    # """
    # Another way to do it, but using torch.cross
    # """
    # # Canonical axes
    # e1 = torch.Tensor([[1, 0, 0]]).type(dtype).to(device)
    # e1 = e1.expand((B, 3))
    # e2 = torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 0]]).type(dtype).to(device)
    # e2 = e2.expand((B, 3))
    # e3 = torch.Tensor([[0, 0, 1]]).type(dtype).to(device)
    # e3 = e3.expand((B, 3))

    # # Construct omega_cross, by concatenating the cross products
    # # of each element of the batch with the canonical axes
    # c1 = torch.cross(omega, e1, dim=1).unsqueeze(2)
    # c2 = torch.cross(omega, e2, dim=1).unsqueeze(2)
    # c3 = torch.cross(omega, e3, dim=1).unsqueeze(2)

    # e1.requires_grad = True
    # e2.requires_grad = True
    # e3.requires_grad = True

    # return[c1, c2, c3], dim=2)

[docs]class SO3Exp(nn.Module): r"""Exponential map for SO(3), i.e., for 3 x 3 rotation matrices. Map a batch of so(3) vectors (axis-angle) to 3D rotation matrices. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input so(3) exponential coordinates eps (float, optional): Threshold to determine which angles are deemed 'small' Returns: x (torch.Tensor): Output SO(3) rotation matrices Shape: input: :math:`(B, 3)` where :math:`B` is the batchsize. output: :math:`(B, 3, 3)` where :math:`B` is the batchsize. Example: >>> omega = torch.Tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> so3exp = SO3Exp() >>> print(R) >>> print(torch.bmm(R, R.transpose(1,2))) # Should be nearly identity matrices """ def __init__(self, eps=1e-8): super(SO3Exp, self).__init__() self.SO3_hat = SO3_hat self.eps = eps def forward(self, x): if not torch.is_tensor(x): raise TypeError('Expected torch.Tensor. Got {} instead.'.format( type(omega))) assert x.dim() == 2, 'Expected 2-D tensor. Got {}-D.'.format(x.dim()) assert x.shape[1] == 3, 'Dim 1 of tensor x must be of shape 3. Got {} instead'.format( x.shape[1]) # Compute omega_cross and omega_cross_squared omega = x omega_cross = SO3_hat(x) omega_cross_sq = torch.bmm(omega_cross, omega_cross) # Get angles of rotation (theta) theta = torch.norm(omega, dim=1) # Get a mask (of shape B; 0 for all angles deemed 'small', 1 otherwise) mask = theta > self.eps mask = mask.type(x.dtype).to(x.device) # Compute the coefficients in the Rodrigues formula sin_theta_by_theta = mask * (torch.sin(theta) / theta) one_minus_cos_theta_by_theta_sq = mask * \ ((1 - torch.cos(theta)) / (theta**2)) # A = (sin(theta) / theta) * omega_cross # For small angles, A = omega_cross A = (sin_theta_by_theta.view(-1, 1, 1) * omega_cross) + \ ((1 - mask).view(-1, 1, 1) * omega_cross) # B = ((1-cos(theta))/(theta**2)) * omega_cross**2 # For small angles, B = 0 (we do not need to add the term in, as the mask # already zeros out all small angle terms) B = one_minus_cos_theta_by_theta_sq.view(-1, 1, 1) * omega_cross_sq # I (identity matrix, tiled B times) I = torch.eye(3).expand_as(omega_cross) # Compute the exponential map of x x = I + A + B return x