Source code for kaolin.conversions.pointcloudconversions

# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Union

import torch
import os
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import trimesh

from kaolin.rep.PointCloud import PointCloud
from kaolin.metrics.point import directed_distance
from kaolin import helpers
from kaolin.conversions.voxelgridconversions import voxelgrid_to_trianglemesh
from kaolin.conversions.voxelgridconversions import voxelgrid_to_sdf

[docs]def pointcloud_to_voxelgrid(pts: Union[torch.Tensor, PointCloud, np.ndarray], voxres: int, voxsize: float): r"""Converts a pointcloud into a voxel grid. Args: - pts (torch.Tensor or PointCloud): Pointcloud (shape: :math:`N \times 3`, where :math:`N` is the number of points in the pointcloud). - voxres (int): Resolution of the voxel grid. - voxsize (float): size of each voxel grid cell. Returns: (torch.Tensor): Voxel grid. """ if isinstance(pts, PointCloud): pts = pts.points helpers._assert_tensor(pts) # Create a voxel grid. voxels= np.zeros((voxres, voxres, voxres), dtype=np.float32) # Enumerate the coordinates of each grid cell gridpts = np.where(voxels==0) gridpts = np.asarray([gridpts[0], gridpts[1], gridpts[2]]).T.astype( np.float32) gridpts = torch.from_numpy(gridpts) # Scale grid coordinates appropriately. We currently have coordinated # denoting the corners of a voxel; modify so that we represent the center. gridpts = voxsize * (gridpts - (voxres-1)/2) # Get the distance of the closest point in the pointcloud to each grid # point. dists = directed_distance(gridpts.cuda().view(-1, 3).contiguous(), pts.cuda().view(-1, 3).contiguous(), mean=False) dists = dists.view((voxres, voxres, voxres)) # If this distance is less than the size of a voxel, treat as occupied, # else free. on_voxels = np.where(dists.cpu().numpy() <= voxsize) voxels[on_voxels] = 1 return voxels
[docs]def pointcloud_to_trianglemesh(points: torch.Tensor): device = points.device voxels = pointcloud_to_voxelgrid(points, 32, 0.1) return voxelgrid_to_trianglemesh(torch.from_numpy(voxels).to(device))
[docs]def pointcloud_to_sdf(points: torch.Tensor, num_points=5000): device = points.device voxels = pointcloud_to_voxelgrid(points, 32, 0.1) return voxelgrid_to_sdf(torch.from_numpy(voxels).to(device))